Kamis, 15 Desember 2016
My Top Recommendation for Things to Do in My Town
Selasa, 06 Desember 2016
Resume 103.4 FM VollareFM
Of the previous segment, I get a new idiom. Now, in this segment, a new idiom that I learned is Blood Sweat Tears. Idiom meaning it was full of hard work and struggle in doing something difficult. Examples of using this idiom: this house is the result of three years of blood sweat and tears. Another example is that there will be a lot of blood sweat and tears before we have completed this project.
Idiom blood sweat and tiers
means of struggle and hard work in a difficult situation.
1. This house is in their blood and their resourt.
2. There will be a lot of blood sweat and they'll get a collage funly be great.
3. After years of blood and sweat them gently if you must change.
Two language
The news that I hear about Simon Berry, 24, from Sheffield, has been the Guinness World Record holder after finishing the highest bungee dunk, combining a passion for biscuits and bungees. Well, I think this is really crazy or unbelievable. I do not know what words to describe human action because Simon Berry do bungee jumping for dipping a biscuit into a cup of tea as high as 75 meters above the ground. Well, at least, he was safe and his name is recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records.
Kamis, 01 Desember 2016
My last meal on earth
Kamis, 24 November 2016
Short Conversation
Alpi : Hey Dini, I stuck when I searching information for my report. Do you have any good website to recommend?
Dini : Hmmz… Let me think a while. I usually use random website.
Alpi : Oh, okay. How about you, Delsy?
Delsy : I used the website that Dini used before.
Alpi : Zzz… both of you didn’t give the answer that I need.
Dini : Well, maybe you will get your answer when you ask Reza.
Delsy : Yeah, he must be know it.
Alpi : Ok, let’s ask him. Hey Reza, when you searching for information in internet, what website that you use?
Reza : Hmmz… It depends on what thing you want to search. Is it about the newest news or about our study?
Alpi : I need website that could help me with my physics lab report.
Reza : Oh, for that, I prefer to use “wikipedia.org”. I prefer to use it because it was the best place to search for information. Well, you will know why when you try it.
Delsy : Does we have any rule about using the online information for our report?
Reza : What I know, the rule we have is you must write down where you have it in the bibliography section.
Dini : It makes me curious. What is the differences between online information and information from library or encyclopedias?
Reza : Well, online information is based on the information in libraries and encyclopedias. But, online information is just like the simpler and summary edition from the libraries and encyclopedias, when the libraries and ensyclopedias is the specific version of it.
Delsy : Wow, you know a lot about it.
Alpi : Ok, thanks for all of the information.
Reza : You’re welcome.
Senin, 21 November 2016
Letter To Myself
Senin, 14 November 2016

7 Lessons Learned from The Love Story Habibie & Ainun
Who does not know the love story Habibie and Ainun?
Hasri Ainun Habibie or familiarly called Ainun is the wife of the former President of Indonesia, B.J. Habibie. Habibie, who is an expert in the field of aircraft is known to be very romantic and loving wife who was also a doctor.
For more than 40 years, both live together with love and happiness. Not surprisingly, their love story is also immortalized in a movie called "Habibie and Ainun".
In 2010, when Ainun died of ovarian cancer which he suffered, Habibie was so grieving the loss of someone that he loved them. Their love story would provide some valuable lessons for us all.
1. "I can not promise a lot of things. But clearly, I'll be the best husband for Ainun".
Habibie explains how we as men should always be held responsible for any circumstances that happen to our beloved people.
2. "My past is mine, your past is yours. But the future is ours ".
Expression of love from Ainun Habibie to provide lessons that go through life together with our loved ones is to be prepared to face the ups and downs together in the future. Commitment is the main weapon in both relationships.
3. "Without love, intelligence is dangerous, and without intelligence, love is not enough"
Here Habibie wanted to convey that between logic and feeling of love must go hand in hand, should not be limp side.
4. "I need someone who is perfect. Simply locate the person who always makes you happy and makes you mean more than anyone else "
Happiness does not come from a perfect figure. And the perfect figure never was. But happily comes from how we found someone who always made us feel special than anyone else, right?
5. "Between me and her: are the two bodies but one soul".
The expression of this Habibie to prove how much he loved her more than anyone. To the extent as if they were one soul in two bodies.
6. "How good-looking or not, if his heart is not the frequency, how?"
So, the physical is not the main indicator in loving someone. Because after all the most important thing is the heart, right?
7. "Although the body has been separated by death, but true love will still be stored on a lasting basis in the recesses of the heart"
It is an expression of love that diuangkapkan Ainun Habibie when he lost in 2010 ago. In fact, next to the tomb of Ainun also handing him empty because Habibie wanted when he had died later do not want away from the beloved wife
Kamis, 10 November 2016
My favorite place
Senin, 10 Oktober 2016
Smartphone Apps that i love
Rabu, 05 Oktober 2016
My Observation of International Culture Festival
this is my first video , and looks very bad because my English so bad
Movie describes about my life
Kamis, 29 September 2016
Subject and Verb Agreement Exercise
Jumat, 23 September 2016
5 Tenses We Frequently Use